Thursday, July 16, 2009

To the Composites Centre by Train

My commute to the city campus is walk/bus/ferry/walk/bus/walk. If I need to get to the composites centre at Tamaki campus, I either take a 40 minute shuttle van, which can get stuck in traffic, or take the train from the Britomart. At the ferry I can either take the bus to campus or take the train to the centre. From either place it is a 10 minute walk to the train, so I'll avoid the shuttle van whenever possible. Usually, I'll be in one place or the other all day.

010 Britomart
The Britomart entrance on Queen Street leads to
012 lobby
the street level lobby. Across the lobby
014 tickets
you find the tickets booth for all the train lines.
020 Way to Trains
A quick trip below street level leads to the
030 Train Platforms
train platforms.
032 Skylight
There are skylights along the platforms. The first is under a fountain water flows over the glass.
034 skylights
The other skylights let in daylight or spread electric light. The electric light shines up to the sphere. The polished sphere distributes the light.
050 diesel electric
In 15 minutes I am at the Glen Innes station and starting my 10 minute walk to the centre.

060 Centre for Composites

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