We made our first family trip to Auckland fromWaiheke on Saturday. First, we met the Fuller's bus at Onetangi beach.

Next, we boarded the ferry to the Britomart. Lucy at one window...

...with Dad and the kids across the table.
We had several objectives. The biggest was to visit Posties + and buy school uniforms for Emily and Benjamin.

We were beyond lunch-time after shopping; we had late lunch/early supper at this sushi place.

Benjamin has discovered TEA! "It's quite brilliant, actually" he said, pinkee finger raised. "It has great taste and provides a warm, enjoyable respite from the chilly oceanic breezes that waft in from the frigid Pacific." Oh, dear, I think he's gone native.
Dad keeps to what he knows best; beer.

While Lucy, Emily, and Benjamin visit the chemist's for some over-the-counter items, Dad noticed the hug patrol across the street. Offering "Free Hugs" advertised with friendly black-on-white signs that remind one of the generic food offered at supermarkets, the patrol were hugging madly at this or that passerby.
When the others rejoined Dad, he said "I'm glad were not on that side of the street" and described the hug patrol's public service work, Lucy had to get a photo. She did, and they noticed. Oh no.

Traffic calmed and the hug patrol attacked! Suddenly the family was surrounded by huggers. "Don't anger them!" Dad whispered as we gave and received hugs.

Calmed by our hugs, the patrol settled into their self-calming team hug position for this photo. July 4th is 'international free hug day,' apparently. We do not notice it in the states because we celebrate other things.

We accomplished our secondary objective--completing Dad's commute to U. Auckland. Emily and I pose in the engineering building common area. The typical commute will take about 2 hours each way. Thank goodness for laptop computers and mass transit.
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