Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finally! Zorb!

Ben is de-Zorbed after his wild ride.

Ever since we visited Rotorua when we first arrived in July, the kids wanted to try the Zorb (the most innocuous of NZ’s many crazy adrenaline-inducing activities). In Zorb, they put you in this big plastic ball with some water and roll you down a hill…well, you really have to see it to understand the attraction (and no guarantees you will even then). It was too cold in July, and it was still too cold when we drove by again during spring break in October on the way to our Abel Tasman trek. So this was our last chance, and the weather was wonderful! Only Emily and Ben were brave enough to do it, as Terry and Lucy were afraid an old bone might break or an old ankle might get twisted, with lots of big hiking trips still to look forward to. So Emily and Ben each went twice and loved it! Lucy and Terry were happy to watch (and laugh).

Click here for 10 photos.

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