Waiheke Island sprang to life like never before--during our stay, at least.
The bays filled with sailboats and power boats.
The roads were crowded with vehicles, and the ferrys with passengers.
We heard groups of folks walking past our living room window as they
dragged their wheelie-bags up the serpentine road to the rental units
above us.
The police wanted to keep the Labour Weekend death toll down and they
were out in force.
I was breathalyzed twice. Luckily the first time was early enough that
I had nothing to drink--it was before lunch time--and that convinced
me to avoid drinking at dinner. We were going to see In The Loop at
the community cinema.
That was a good idea, I was checked on the way to the cinema.
The police ask the driver to say "one, two, three, four, five" into a
non-contact device. Both times my result was 'no alcohol.'
Despite their efforts, the weekend death toll was up 50% from 2008.
Although the weekend is Friday to Monday, they include deaths that
occur up to 6 p.m. on Tuesday in the count.
In 2008 four persons died in accidents during Labour Weekend. This
year six persons died.
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