We headed to Auckland to see the museum and pick up a few missing items for our backpacking trips.
We caught the Link bus to the museum.
We approached from the back side and walked around to the front. The museum is on a hilltop with a great view of the harbor and city. It was a cloudy, rainy day, but we were glad to get the rain.
Passing under the stained-glass ceiling, we made the recommended donation and toured ...
Maori buildings and artifacts.
What big eyes he has.
After the first floor, we covered most of the second floor--natural history. Here, a moa watches over us.
We left the third floor--the war years--for another time.
We had a Parnell street lunch/supper at an Italian restaurant and then took the Link bus back to Queen Street.
We had less than an hour to get most of our backpacking resupply done at one of the outdoor shops. New sleeping bags and two backpacks joined the equipment we brought from home.
We backpacked through the CBD and took the 6 p.m. ferry home.
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